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Why Major in WRD?

Our age is an age of writing. Social media. Podcasts. Websites. Video. News. Stories. Analysis. Critique. Reports. Advertisements. Technical documentation. Writing is everywhere we look. 

WRD prepares you for a career in writing. Every industry includes writing. Every industry supports the writing of internal and external documents (memos, reports, technical documents, research studies, social media usage, website development). Every industry sponsors trade writing (magazines, journals, newsletters, other publications). 

Students, Faculty, Professionals Receive Writing Awards

University colleges typically only celebrate the writing of their students.

Year of the Middle East Continues Program
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences Year of the Middle East has scheduled three events this week. They are:
Defining Borders: Social Theory Graduate Course

Every spring the Committee on Social Theory offers the team-taught seminar—always with four professors. Previous course themes/names for the seminar have included “Law, Sex, and Family” “Autobiography,” and “Security.” But previous seminars may not have spoken so directly to the professors’ personal backgrounds as “Transnational Lives” does with this team of four.

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