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Academics / Undergraduate Program / Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Because Writing, Rhetoric and Digital Studies courses rely on writing workshop methods, regular attendance is essential.  Students are expected to come to class on time and stay for the whole period.  Students who arrive late or leave early may be counted as absent, at the instructor’s discretion.  Any student who fails to attend the first two class meetings of the semester will be automatically dropped from the class roll.  If a student misses more than one-fifth of class contact hours for unexcused absences, he/she cannot receive credit for the course.  For a course meeting twice a week, students must withdraw or receive a grade of E upon the sixth absence; for a course meeting three times a week, students must withdraw or receive a grade of E upon the ninth absence; for a course meeting four times a week, the maximum is twelve absences.

Unless students voluntarily withdraw from the course before the end of the twelfth week of classes

  • Students who accumulate excused absences in excess of one-fifth of class contact hours may be requested by their instructors to petition for a withdrawal.
  • Students who accumulate unexcused absences in excess of one-fifth of class contact hours will receive a course grade of "E"
  • Students who accumulate unexcused absences in excess of one-fifth of class contact hours have the right to withdraw and instructors may recommend withdrawal.

Students and instructors are accountable for every class meeting, whether they are absent or present, for whatever reason.  If the absence is excused:

  • deadlines missed will be extended within reason, as determined by the instructor.
  • in-class work that cannot be made up will be excused.
  • missed announcements, instructions, assignments, etc. due to absence will not constitute an acceptable excuse for failing to meet subsequent deadlines.  It is the student’s responsibility to learn the content of the missed classes and to initiate arrangements with the instructor for making up the work.

Students missing work due to an excused absence must inform the instructor and submit appropriate written documentation within one week following the period of the excused absence, except in those cases where prior notification is required. If the absence is certified as excused, the student will be given an opportunity to make up the work missed.  Except in unusual circumstances, an extended deadline will not exceed ten days beyond the original deadline.

NOTE:  See definition of excused absences in the current edition of Student Rights and Responsibilities. No absence can be designated “excused” until documentation has been provided and verified.  Absences due to minor conditions (lack of transportation, slight discomfort, conflict with an appointment, etc.) are considered unexcused, as are absences for registration.

 If the absence is unexcused:

  • outside assignments not turned in on time may receive no credit or grades of “E”.
  • missed in-class work cannot be made up for credit.
  • missed announcements, instructions, assignments, etc. due to the absence will not constitute acceptable excuse for failing to meet subsequent deadlines.